Elan is an artist and designer living in New Jersey. Born and raised in Elizabeth, NJ, his work has always been heavily influenced by the urban experience. He started writing in the early 90s and went on to paint small and large scale murals all over the east coast. Today, he continues to experiment with graffiti, typography and hand lettering in a variety of mediums. Elan is currently creating new works for personal and group exhibitions as well as commission work for private and corporate clients, while focusing on continuing to evolve his person style and exploring new venues of expression.
Over the years, I have had the pleasure to work with brands such as Viacom, Johnson & Johnson, Accenture, Ray-Ban, El Jimador and Jack Daniels. I have painted a wide variety of murals for establishments including residential homes, corporate offices, crossfit/gyms, schools/universities, restaurants and social clubs.