I think most writers remember the first time they packed up their cans and headed out to drop their first piece. I remember my first time and I was especially nervous because of where we were going. I met up with my partners Chek (now BrainPaste) and Crash and we were on our way to the Elizabeth Wall of Fame. This was a high visibility spot right by Elizabeth High School and right by Route 1&9.
I was an absolute toy and really just enjoying the adrenaline rush, looking to practice some can control and put something on a wall. I did a very simple “NJ” piece. That was the name of our crew at the time. Chek did a memorial piece and character and Crash did a throwie “C”.
There was already a few other pieces on the wall including work from Link, a “Joseph” piece by Faze and a “P-Dog” piece by Art Master Chino — all writers I looked up to and have a lot of respect for because they all inspired very early on.
In any case, here’s a blast from the past!