I was asked to put together a team for an event at Viacom. They are a huge media company and are working to reduce their plastic consumption. As part of that initiative, they have given ALL of their employees in New York City stainless steel water bottles, so that they won’t need to recycle plastic bottles in the future.
The issue becomes how do 5,000 employees who all get the same bottle know which is theirs? So I brought in a team of heavy hitters to the Viacom offices in the heart of New York City to customize bottles for their employees with their names. Together, we rocked hundreds of bottles and plan to go back for more work soon.
Big thanks to the team including BrainPaste, Leon Rainbow, Zar, Mimik, 5in5o, Jenna Morello, Big Ronnie and Morello+Company!! Check out some pics from the event…